- Up To 40 hours of run time on the 3 minute mode
- Over 12 hours on the 1 minute mode (Mini unit only has 1 minute mode)
- Premium doe in estrus scent with Interdigital Gland
- Perfect for attracting bucks during the rut
- Disposable cartridge
Compatible with BOTH the Wyndscent 2.0 and Wyndscent Mini. Vaporizer unit not included.
Roger Raglin Maniac 150
Versatility is a key feature of Wyndscent™. The ultimate dominant buck tracking scent. 100% Pure Doe-Urine with Interdigital Gland. You can use this product all deer season long. One vapor cartridge for the Wyndscent 2.0 will last up to 40 hours of use on the 3 minute mode.

- 1 cartridge of Roger Raglin Maniac 150 scent for the Wyndscent 2.0 and Wyndscent Mini